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Migration Guidelines

General update checklist

  • updating an existing installation
  • updating a MapStore project created for a previous version

To update an existing installation you usually have to do nothing except eventually to execute queries on your database to update the changes to the database schema.

In case of a project it becomes a little more complicated, depending on the customization.

This is a list of things to check if you want to update from a previous version valid for every version.

  • Take a list to migration notes below for your version
  • Take a look to the release notes
  • update your package.json to latest libs versions
  • take a look at your custom files to see if there are some changes (e.g. localConfig.js,
  • Some changes that may need to be ported could be present also in pom.xml files and in configs directory.
  • check for changes also in web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml.
  • Optionally check also accessory files like .eslinrc, if you want to keep aligned with lint standards.
  • Follow the instructions below, in order, from your version to the one you want to update to.

Migration from 2023.02.02 to 2024.01.00

TOC plugin refactor

The table of content (TOC) has been refactored with following changes:

  • Removal of hardcoded tools from the toolbar. Now all the toolbar's elements are injected by related plugins. This includes also the introduction of a new plugin called MetadataInfo for layer metadata.
  • Refactors of TOC components
  • Review of plugin configuration (cfg). List of changed configuration properties:
  • activateSettingsTool removed property, now the button will be added directly from TOCItemsSettings when available
  • activateQueryTool removed property, now the button will be directly added by FilterLayer plugin, when available
  • activateDownloadTool removed property, now the button will be added directly from LayerDownload when available
  • activateMetedataTool removed property, now the button will be added directly from MetadataInfo when availables
  • checkPlugins remove property, now availability of tools rely on the related plugin so this check is not needed anymore
  • showFullTitleOnExpand removed property, the new style allows for seeing the full title inline without duplicating it
  • metadataTemplate this configuration has been moved to MetadataInfo plugin
  • metadataOptions this configuration has been moved to MetadataInfo plugin

Introduction of MetadataInfo plugin

The MetadataInfo plugin has been introduced to include the layer metadata info button of the TOC toolbar has separated plugin as expected by the new TOC. Some steps are needed to correctly configure it:

  • Ensure to import the MetadataInfo plugin in the downstream project
  • Include the plugin definition in the pluginsConfig.json to make it available inside contexts
  • Move the related configuration (cfg) from the TOC to the MetadataInfo plugin definition in localConfig.json file. This is only necessary if the layer metadata button was configured at the application level
  • Update your contexts to use MetadataInfo plugin, properly configured, when needed

expected changes in the pluginsConfig.json file:

  • add MetadataInfo entry to the list
    "name": "MetadataInfo"

Maven project update

With this release the maven pom.xml files has been restructured to centralize dependencies version in the dependencyManagement section and then in some properties in the root pom.xml file. This regards also the projects that now hold the versions of the dependencies in the properties section. Your projects will work in any case, but we suggest to update your pom.xml files to align them to the new structure (see template file in the MapStore2 repository for more details).

Database update

The resource metadata has been recently extented to include information about resource creator and editor and to provide the advertises/unadvertised resource functionalities. If your installation has the database creation mode set to update (the default), the columns will be added automatically and you do not have to do any action. If it is set to validate instead you will have to run the update scripts.

In any case, the update scripts contain also a part to populate the creator column, that can not be applied automatically with database creation mode set to update. So if you want to see this information, even if it is not strictily required, you will have to run the migration scripts anyway.

Restructuring of Login and Home in Dashboard page

We recently added the sidebar to the dashboard page and by doing so we wanted to keep a uniform position of login and home plugins, by putting them in the omnibar container rather than the sidebar one. The viewer is a specific case that will be reviewed in the future.

In order to align the configuration of the two mentioned plugin you have to:

  • edit localConfig.json plugins.dashboard section
  • remove BurgerMenu, Home and Login items
  • add the following
  "name": "SidebarMenu",
  "cfg": {
    "containerPosition": "columns"
  "name": "Home",
  "override": {
    "OmniBar": {
      "priority": 5
  "name": "Login",
  "override": {
    "OmniBar": {
      "priority": 5

Using elevation layer type instead of wms layer with useForElevation property

The wms layer with useForElevation property is deprecated and a elevation layer introduced in substitution. The new elevation layer is used only to display height information inside the mouse position plugin and it will not provide a support for terrain model of the 3D visualziation mode. In order to provide this support, you need to add a terrain layer too. See documentation about Elevation layer and Terrain layer for more details. A configuration update example:

    "name": "Map",
    "cfg": {
        "additionalLayers": [
-               "type": "wms",
+               "type": "elevation",
                "url": "/geoserver/wms",
                "name": "workspace:layername",
-               "format": "application/bil16",
                "visibility": true,
-               "useForElevation": true,
                "littleEndian": false
            // only needed for 3D terrain
+           {
+               "type": "terrain",
+               "provider": "wms",
+               "url": "/geoserver/wms",
+               "name": "workspace:layername",
+               "littleEndian": false,
+               "visibility": true,
+               "crs": "CRS:84"

Removing possibility to add custom fonts to the Map

From this version we limited the load of the font to FontAwesome.

If you have changed the property fonts inside Map plugin it will not longer load the font. A possible fix would be to add the font to the *.html files in your application.

  • make sure that the localConfig.json does not have fonts property in Map plugin

The following css is added automatically if needed <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/> inside the head tag.

Fixing background config

From this version in order to fix default 3d background config a change is needed here:

  • update localConfig.json by adding visibility: false to the Empty Background entry in intialState.defaultState.catalog.default.staticServices.default_map_backgrounds.backgrounds
  • update new.json by adding visibility: false to the Empty Background entry.

Adding spatial filter to dashboard widgets

In order to enable the possibility to add in and the spatial filter to the widgets ( see #9098 ) you have to edit the QueryPanel config in the plugins.dashboard array of the localConfig.json file by adding:

  • useEmbeddedMap: flag to enable the embedded map
  • spatialOperations: The list of spatial operations allowed for this plugin
  • spatialMethodOptions: the list of spatial methods to use.
"dashboard": [
    "name": "QueryPanel",
    "cfg": {
        "toolsOptions": {
            "hideCrossLayer": true,
            "useEmbeddedMap": true
        "spatialPanelExpanded": false,
        "spatialOperations": [
            {"id": "INTERSECTS", "name": "queryform.spatialfilter.operations.intersects"},
            {"id": "CONTAINS", "name": "queryform.spatialfilter.operations.contains"},
            {"id": "WITHIN", "name": "queryform.spatialfilter.operations.within"}
        "spatialMethodOptions": [
            {"id": "BBOX", "name": ""},
            {"id": "Circle", "name": ""},
            {"id": "Polygon", "name": "queryform.spatialfilter.methods.poly"}
        "containerPosition": "columns"

MapFish Print update

The MapFish Print library has been updated to work with the latest GeoTools version and Java 11 as well as being aligned with the same dependency used by the official GeoServer printing extension (see this issue For this reason, if you are using the printing plugin in your project you have to update it by following the following steps:

  • Change the version of the mapfish-print dependency in the project pom.xml file:
                <!-- mapfish-print -->
-                    <version>geosolutions-2.3-SNAPSHOT</version>
+                    <version>2.4-SNAPSHOT</version>
  • Add the mvn repository where this library is hosted in the repositories section of the same pom.xml (usually in web folder of a project)
            <name>Open Source Geospatial Foundation Repository</name>

Due to the introduction of the new Jackson Yaml parser, the MapStore config.yaml file has been reviewed and updated. Below are reported all the relevant changes that need to be applied also to config.yaml of MapStore donwstream projects where the printing engine is present.

Due to the new library being stricter on the format of the Yaml, some changes in the configuration files were made, to make them compliant with yaml format:

  • Removed not allowed characters from property values (@ in @shared.privileged.geoserver.pass@)
  • Removed references without anchors (document declares link to *commonFooter but anchor &commonFooter was not defined previously)
  • Added a space between key\value pairs ("absoluteX: 30" instead of "absoluteX:30")

Some additional updates has been provided due to parsing issue with the new library:

- !ipMatch
    # Allow to all hosts

!ipMatch is mapped to AddressHostMatcher, which does not have host property. Should instead use ip property (e.g IP:

- !text
              width: 300
              text: '${comment}'

!text is mapped to TextBlock class. It does not have width property, so it should be removed.

    rotation: true

lastPage is mapped to LastPage class, and does not have rotation property.

Annotations plugin refactor

The Annotation plugin has been updated to be supported also in 3D maps. This update introduced some changes:

  • All the configurations related to the "Annotations" plugin has been removed from localConfig.json defaultState entry and moved to the cfg property of the plugin
  • The annotations reducers is not needed anymore inside the default reducers of the app

Please update by:

  • Removing annotations entry from your localConfig.json defaultState
  • If you customized the app, you can remove the annotations reducer from default reducers.
  • If some customizations were applied to the Annotations plugin in defaultState, apply these changes to the plugin configuration, following the documentation of the plugin.

Migration from 2023.01.02 to 2023.02.00

About plugin cfg changes

Starting this release 2023.02.00 we have included a new cfg option the About plugin called githubUrl

We suggest you to edit About plugin cfg of localConfig.json adding the following

-    "name": "About"
+    "name": "About",
+    "cfg": {
+      "githubUrl": ""
+    }

inside configs/pluginsConfig.json you can add this to the About plugin definition

      "name": "About",
      "glyph": "info-sign",
      "title": "plugins.About.title",
      "description": "plugins.About.description",
      "dependencies": [
-      ]
+      ],
+      "defaultConfig": {
+        "githubUrl": ""
+      }

NodeJS/NPM upgrade

In this release we updated all our systems to use node 16/NPM 8. This because Node 12 is actually out of maintenance. We are going to support soon more recent versions of NodeJS solving the related issues. So make you sure to use the correct version of NodeJS/NPM to build things correctly. See the requirements section of the document for the details.

Visualization mode in map configuration

The map configuration stores the information related to the visualization mode 2D or 3D after saving a map. This update include also following changes:

  • maptype default state configuration inside the initialState of localConfig.json needs to be removed. If a MapStore project needs a particular setup (eg. use only OpenLayers for 2D maps, initialize the app in 3D, ...) it is possible to override the default map libraries configuration with the new mapType property in the localConfig.json file, see documentation here.
    // ...
    "initialState": {
        "defaultState": {
            // ...
-           "maptype": {
-               "mapType": "{context.mode === 'desktop' ? 'openlayers' : 'leaflet'}"
-           },
            // ...
    // ...
  • the changeMapType action has been deprecated in favor of the changeVisualizationMode action

  • the application does not expose the pathname of the viewer with mapType anymore. Example: the old path /viewer/openlayers/1 becomes /viewer/1

  • the app pages inside a MapStore project must be updated with a new entry, only for projects with custom pages and that are using context applications, here an example:

import MapViewer from '@mapstore/product/pages/MapViewer';
import productAppConfig from "@mapstore/product/appConfig";

const appConfig = {
    pages: [
        // my custom pages ...,
            name: "mapviewer",
            path: "/viewer/:mapId/context/:contextId",
            component: MapViewer

Clean up of old maven repositories

The old spring maven repositories that do not exist anymore have been removed from the pom.xml files. They are not needed anymore, so you can remove them from your pom.xml files too.

-        <!-- Spring -->
-        <repository>
-            <id>spring-release</id>
-            <name>Spring Portfolio Release Repository</name>
-            <url></url>
-            <snapshots>
-                <enabled>false</enabled>
-            </snapshots>
-        </repository>
-        <repository>
-            <id>spring-external</id>
-            <name>Spring Portfolio External Repository</name>
-            <url></url>
-            <snapshots>
-                <enabled>false</enabled>
-            </snapshots>
-        </repository>

As part this release, permalink plugin is added to MapStore. The new plugin is already configured in standard MapStore application, but if you are working on a project or if you customized the configuration files, you may need to update them to introduce the new plugin.

In any case on an existing installation you must update the database adding the category to make the plugin work.

In the case you customized your configs/localConfig.json file in your project/installation, to add the permalink plugin you will have to update it as following:

  • Add the "Permalink" plugin to the pages you want to use this plugin. Pages plugins are in the plugins section in the root of localConfig.json, so you have to add "Permalink" entry to desktop, dashboard and geostory arrays, like this:
    "desktop": [
    "dashboard": [
    "geostory": [
  • To activate the functionality, you must add a new permalink section to plugins root object of localConfig.json, as shown below
    "permalink": [

The plugins available for contexts are listed in the file configs/pluginsConfig.json. In your project/installation, you may need to edit this configuration to make the plugin selectable for your context. Existing contexts need to be updated separately, after applying these changes

  • Find the "Share" plugin configuration in the plugins array in the root of pluginsConfig.json configuration file and modify it as shown below (adding children and autoEnableChildren sections:
      "name": "Share",
      "glyph": "share",
      "title": "plugins.Share.title",
      "description": "plugins.Share.description",
      "dependencies": [
      "children": [
      "autoEnableChildren": [
  • Add "Permalink" plugin configuration to the plugins array in the root of pluginsConfig.json
      "name": "Permalink",
      "glyph": "link",
      "title": "plugins.Permalink.title",
      "description": "plugins.Permalink.description"
  • the app pages inside a MapStore project must be updated with a new entry, only for projects using permalink feature, here an example:
import Permalink from '@mapstore/product/pages/Permalink';
import productAppConfig from "@mapstore/product/appConfig";

const appConfig = {
    pages: [
        // my custom pages ...,
            name: "permalink",
            path: "/permalink/:pid",
            component: Permalink

Database Update

Add new category PERMALINK to gs_category table. To update your database you need to apply this SQL scripts to your database

-- New PERMALINK category
INSERT INTO geostore.gs_category(id, name) VALUES (nextval('geostore.hibernate_sequence'), 'PERMALINK') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
-- New PERMALINK category
INSERT INTO gs_category(name) VALUES ('PERMALINK');
-- New PERMALINK category
INSERT INTO gs_category(id, name) VALUES (hibernate_sequence.nextval, ā€˜PERMALINK');

Migration from 2022.02.02 to 2023.01.00

Log4j update to Log4j2

With this release Log4j has been updated to Log4j2. The Log4j API has changed with version 2. Basically if you customized logging properties, you have to update the properties file following the log4j properties file migration section.

If you have a downstream project, you will have also to update your dependencies in pom.xml and your Java code, following the suggestions in log4j2 dependencies and code update section.

For more information or more details about how to migrate, follow the official documentation.

!!! note: A compatibility tier has been added in order to allow to use old configurations. Anyway it is strongly suggested to update your files as soon as possible.

log4j2 properties file migration

To have logging properly work on MapStore then it is needed to:

  • Rename file to

  • Edit the properties to configure it according to the log4j2 syntax. See the Configuration with Properties section on the official documentation page. Below the old and the new default log4j configuration files are juxtaposed:

log4j.rootLogger=INFO, fileAppender

log4j.appender.consoleAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=%p %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %c::%M:%L - %m%n

# File appender
log4j.appender.fileAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=%p   %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS}   %C{1}.%M() - %m %n

rootLogger.level = INFO
appenders= console, file

appender.console.type = Console = LogToConsole
appender.console.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.console.layout.pattern = %p %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %c::%M:%L - %m%n
rootLogger.appenderRef.stdout.ref = LogToConsole
rootLogger.appenderRef.console.ref = LogToConsole

appender.file.type = File = LogToFile
appender.file.layout.pattern=%p   %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS}   %C{1}.%M() - %m %n
rootLogger.appenderRef.file.ref = LogToFile
logger.restsrv.level=  INFO

The main difference applies to how define the Log level on a per package basis. If in previous version of log4j a single property was defining both the package and the level now we need two distinct properties, one to define the name (the package) and the other for the level:

  • before
  • now
logger.restsrv.level=  INFO

Note that the second part of the property key in the log4j2 (restsrv in the example) can be whatever string of choice, with the only requirement to be the same for the name and the level property.

log4j2 dependencies and code update

In your downstream project you will have to replace, where you used (typically in backend and web folders) the following dependencies:




!!! note: of course you can use properties of maven to not repeat the version numbers everytime, or dependency management.

Moreover, if you have some custom code, you will hae to replace the use of getLogger. Example:

private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(MyClass.class);


private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(MyClass.class);

where LogManager can be imported as:

import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;

Update database schema

This new version introduced the attributes for user groups. This requires an update to your database applying the scripts available here. You have to apply the script *-migration-from-v.1.5.0-to-v2.0.0 of your database. For instance on postgreSQL, you will have to execute the script postgresql/postgresql-migration-from-v.1.5.0-to-v2.0.0.

!!! note: The script assumes you set the search path for your db schema. Usually in postgres it is geostore. So make you sure to set the proper search path before to execute the script in postgres. (e.g. SET search_path TO geostore; )

!!! note: If you don't want to or you can not execute the migration script, you can set in geostore-datasource-ovr.properities the following property to make MapStore update the database for you


Migration from 2022.02.00 to 2022.02.01

Package.json scripts migration

With this release we are refactoring a bit the naming of the scripts maintaining retro compatibility avoiding builds on ci/cd systems to break. Anyway we suggest to align them as listed here

The main changes are:

  • We have removed travis and mvntest scripts.
  • Most of the scripts are now prefixed with app or fe or be to make them more clear.
  • Now npm start is an alias of npm run app:start and starts both front-end and back-end.

Although it is optional we suggest to align your project to these changes. In order to align your repository you should:

  • update your package.json to latest scripts, you can copy them from utility/projects/projectScripts.json in MapStore2 repository.
  • update your to use the latest scripts, instead of the old ones. See project/standard/templates/ in MapStore2 repository.
  • update in your repository web/pom.xml of your project to receive the backend property from ENV variables.
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+    <tomcat.port>8080</tomcat.port>

@@ -400,7 +401,7 @@
-                        <cargo.servlet.port>8080</cargo.servlet.port>
+                        <cargo.servlet.port>${tomcat.port}</cargo.servlet.port>
@@ -419,6 +420,18 @@
+        <profile>
+            <id>dev-custom-port</id>
+            <activation>
+                <property>
+                    <name>env.MAPSTORE_BACKEND_PORT</name>
+                </property>
+            </activation>
+            <properties>
+                <!-- Override only if necessary -->
+                <tomcat.port>${env.MAPSTORE_BACKEND_PORT}</tomcat.port>
+            </properties>
+        </profile>

Migration from 2022.01.02 to 2022.02.00

HTML pages optimization

We removed script and css link to leaflet CDN in favor of a dynamic import of the libraries in the main bundle, now leaflet is only loaded when the library is selected as map type of the viewer. You can update the project HTML files by removing these tags:

- <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="" />
<!--script src=""></script-->
- <script src=""></script>
- <script src=""></script>

We also made asynchronous the script to detect valid browser. This should slightly improve the initial requests time. You can updated the script in your project as following:

<script async type="text/javascript" src="" onload="checkBrowser()"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    function checkBrowser() {
        var browserInfo = bowser.getParser(window.navigator.userAgent);
        var isValidBrowser = browserInfo.satisfies({
            "edge": ">1",
            "chrome": ">1",
            "safari": ">1",
            "firefox": ">1"
        if (!isValidBrowser) {
            window.location.href = "unsupportedBrowser.html"
            document.querySelector("container").style.display = "none";

Update plugins.js to make upstream plugins use dynamic import

We've updated plugins.js in MapStore to make most of the plugins use dynamic import. plugins.js of your project have to be updated separately.

Please use web\client\product\plugins.js file as a reference listing plugins whose definition can be changed to support dynamic import.

To use dynamic import for plugin, please update its definition to look like:

    AnnotationsPlugin: toModulePlugin('Annotations', () => import(/* webpackChunkName: 'plugins/annotations' */ '../plugins/Annotations')),

See Dynamic import of extension to have more details about transforming extensions to use dynamic import.

Version plugin has been removed

We no longer maintain the Version plugin since we have moved its content inside the About plugin (see here for more details)

We suggest you to clean up your project as well:

  • remove Version entry it from a local list of plugins.js
  • remove Version entries it from a localConfig.json and pluginConfig.json
  • add About entry into other pages of mapstore plugins array:

  • dashboard

  • geostory
  • mobile
  • remove DefinePlugin entries dedicated to git revision retrieved by git-revision-webpack-plugin, if any, from webpack-config.js or prod.webpack-config.js, because they have been moved to the file build/BuildUtils.js
  • check that in your package.json you have this extends rule
"eslintConfig": {
    "extends": [
  • edit the version of the @mapstore/eslint-config-mapstore to 1.0.5 in your package.json so that the new globals config will be inherited


this may fail on gha workflows, in that case we suggest to edit directly your package.json with globals taken from mapstore framework

Support for OpenID

MapStore introduced support for OpenID for google and keycloak. In order to have this functionalities and to be aligned with the latest version of MapStore you have to update the following files in your projects:

  • geostore-spring-security.xml (your custom spring security context) have to be updated adding the beans and the security:custom-filter entry in the <security:http> entry, as here below:
        <security:csrf disabled="true"/>
        <security:custom-filter ref="authenticationTokenProcessingFilter" before="FORM_LOGIN_FILTER"/>
        <security:custom-filter ref="sessionTokenProcessingFilter" after="FORM_LOGIN_FILTER"/>
+        <security:custom-filter ref="keycloakFilter" before="BASIC_AUTH_FILTER"/>
+        <security:custom-filter ref="googleOpenIdFilter" after="BASIC_AUTH_FILTER"/>
        <security:anonymous />

        <security:authentication-provider ref='geoStoreUserServiceAuthenticationProvider' />
+    <bean id="preauthenticatedAuthenticationProvider" class="">
+    </bean>
+    <!-- OAuth2 beans -->
+    <context:annotation-config/>
+    <bean id="googleSecurityConfiguration" class=""/>
+    <!-- Keycloak -->
+   <bean id="keycloakConfig" class=""/>
+    <!-- END OAuth2 beans-->
+    <!--  security integration inclusions  -->
+    <import resource="classpath*:security-integration-${security.integration:default}.xml"/>

  • web.xml: add the following content to the file:
@@ -34,6 +34,17 @@

+    <!-- Allow to use RequestContextHolder -->
+    <filter>
+        <filter-name>springRequestContextFilter</filter-name>
+        <filter-class>org.springframework.web.filter.RequestContextFilter</filter-class>
+    </filter>
+    <filter-mapping>
+        <filter-name>springRequestContextFilter</filter-name>
+        <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
+    </filter-mapping>
    <!-- Spring Security Servlet -->
  • applicationContext.xml for consistency, we added files to be searched in class-path and in the data-dir, as for the other properties files:
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
         <property name="order" value="10"/>
         <property name="locations">
+                 <value></value>

Upgrading the printing engine

The mapfish-print based printing engine has been upgraded to align to the latest official 2.1.5 in term of functionalities.

An update to the MapStore printing engine context file (applicationContext-print.xml) is needed for all projects built with the printing profile enabled. The following sections should be added to the file:

<bean id="configFactory" class="org.mapfish.print.config.ConfigFactory"></bean>
+<bean id="threadResources" class="org.mapfish.print.ThreadResources">
+    <property name="connectionTimeout" value="30000"/>
+    <property name="socketTimeout" value="30000" />
+    <property name="globalParallelFetches" value="200"/>
+    <property name="perHostParallelFetches" value="30" />

<bean id="pdfOutputFactory" class="org.mapfish.print.output.PdfOutputFactory"/>
+<bean id="metricRegistry" class="com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry" lazy-init="false"/>
+<bean id="healthCheckRegistry" class="" lazy-init="false"/>
+<bean id="loggingMetricsConfigurator" class="org.mapfish.print.metrics.LoggingMetricsConfigurator"  lazy-init="false"/>
+<bean id="jvmMetricsConfigurator" class="org.mapfish.print.metrics.JvmMetricsConfigurator" lazy-init="false"/>
+<bean id="jmlMetricsReporter" class="org.mapfish.print.metrics.JmxMetricsReporter" lazy-init="false"/>

Also, remember to update your project pom.xml with the updated dependency:

  • locate the print-lib dependency in the pom.xml file
  • replace the dependency with the following snippet

Finally, to enable printing in different formats than PDF, you should add the following to your config.yml file (at the top level):

  - '*'

Replacing BurgerMenu with SidebarMenu

There were several changes applied to the application layout, one of them is the Sidebar Menu that comes to replace Burger menu on map viewer and in contexts. Following actions need to be applied to make a switch:

  • Update localConfig.json and add "SidebarMenu" entry to the "desktop" section:
    "desktop": [
  • Remove "BurgerMenu" entry from "desktop" section.

Using Sidebar Menu in new contexts

Contents of your pluginsConfig.json need to be reviewed to allow usage of new "SidebarMenu" in new contexts. Existing contexts need to be updated separately, please refer to the next chapter for instructions.

  • Find "BurgerMenu" plugin configuration in pluginsConfig.json and remove "hidden": true line from it:
    "name": "BurgerMenu",
    "glyph": "menu-hamburger",
    "title": "plugins.BurgerMenu.title",
    "description": "plugins.BurgerMenu.description",
    "dependencies": [
  • Add SidebarMenu entry to the "plugins" array:
    "plugins": [
            "name": "SidebarMenu",
            "hidden": true
  • Go through all plugins definitions and replace BurgerMenu dependency with SidebarMenu, e.g.:
      "name": "MapExport",
      "glyph": "download",
      "title": "plugins.MapExport.title",
      "description": "plugins.MapExport.description",
      "dependencies": [
  • Also the StreetView plugin needs to depend from SidebarMenu.
      "name": "StreetView",
      "glyph": "road",
      "title": "plugins.StreetView.title",
      "description": "plugins.StreetView.description",
      "dependencies": [

Updating existing contexts to use Sidebar Menu

Contexts created in previous versions of MapStore will maintain old Burger Menu. There are two options allowing to replace it with the new Sidebar Menu:

  • Using manual update.
  • Using SQL query to update all contexts at once.

Before going with one of the approaches, please make sure that changes to pluginsConfig.json from previous chapter are applied.

To update context manually:

  1. Go to the context manager (#/context-manager) and edit context you want to update.
  2. Move to the step 3: Configure Plugins.
  3. Find "Burger Menu" on the right side (enabled plugins) and move it to the left column.
  4. Save context

Note: "Burger Menu" has higher priority over the "Sidebar Menu", so it will always be used if it's added to the list of enabled plugins of the context.

To update all contexts at once:

This is a sample SQL query that can be executed against the MapStore DB to replace the Burger Menu with the new Sidebar for existing application contexts previously created:

UPDATE geostore.gs_stored_data SET stored_data = regexp_replace(gs_stored_data.stored_data,'{"name":"BurgerMenu"},','{"name":"SidebarMenu"},')
FROM geostore.gs_resource
WHERE gs_stored_data.resource_id = AND
        gs_resource.category_id = (SELECT id FROM geostore.gs_category WHERE name = 'CONTEXT') AND
        gs_stored_data.stored_data ~ '.*{"name":"BurgerMenu"},.*';

Note: Schema name could vary depending on your installation configuration.

Updating extensions

Please refer to the extensions documentation to know how to update your extensions.

Using terrain layer type to define 3D map elevation profile

A new terrain layer type has been created in order to provide more options and versatility when defining an elevation profile for the 3D map terrain. This terrain layer will substitute the former wms layer (with useForElevation attribute) used to define the elevation profile.


The wms layer (with useForElevation attribute) configuration is still needed to show the elevation data inside the MousePosition plugin and it will display the terrain at the same time. The terrain layer type allows a more versatile way of handling elevation but it will work only as terrain visualization in the 3D map viewer.

The additionalLayers object on the localConfig.json file should adhere now to the terrain layer configuration. Serve the following code as an example:

    "name": "Map",
    "cfg": {
        "additionalLayers": [{
            "type": "terrain",
            "provider": "wms",
            "url": "https://host-sample/geoserver/wms",
            "name": "workspace:layername",  // name of the geoserver resource
            "littleendian": false,
            "visibility": true


When using terrain layer with wms provider, the format option in layer configuration is not needed anymore as Mapstore supports only image/bil format and is used by default

Migration from 2022.01.00 to 2022.01.01

MailingLists plugin has been removed

MailingLists plugin has ben removed from the core of MapStore. This means you can remove it from your localConfig.json (if present, it will be anyway ignored by the plugin system).

Migration from 2021.02.02 to 2022.01.00

This release includes several libraries upgrade on the backend side, in particular the following have been migrated to the latest available versions:

Library Old New
Spring 3.0.5 5.3.9
Spring-security 3.0.5 5.3.10
CXF 2.3.2 3.4.4
Hibernate 3.3.2 5.5.0
JPA 1.0 2.1
hibernate-generic-dao 0.5.1 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT
h2 1.3.168 1.3.175
javax-servlet-api 2.5 3.1.0

This requires also the upgrade of Tomcat to at least version 8.5.x.

Updating projects configuration

Projects need the following to update to this MapStore release:

  • update dependencies (in web/pom.xml) copying those in MapStore2/java/web/pom.xml, in particular (where present):
Dependency Version Notes
mapstore-services 1.3.0 Replaces mapstore-backend
geostore-webapp 1.8.0
  • update packagingExcludes in web/pom.xml to this list:
  • upgrade Tomcat to 8.5 or greater
  • update your geostore-spring-security.xml file to add the following setting, needed to disable CSRF validation, that MapStore services do not implement yet:
<security:http ... >
    <security:csrf disabled="true"/>
  • remove the spring log4j listener from web.xml
 <!-- spring context loader
  • If one of the libraries updated is used in your project, you should align the version with the newer one to avoid jar duplications
  • Some old project may define versions of spring and/or jackson in maven properties. You can remove these definition and the dependency from main pom.xml since they should be inherited from spring. In particular you may need to remove these properties :
-        <jackson.version>1.9.10</jackson.version>
-        <jackson.databind-version>2.2.3</jackson.databind-version>
-        <jackson.annotations-version>2.5.3</jackson.annotations-version>

Upgrading CesiumJS

CesiumJS has been upgraded to version 1.90 (from 1.17) and included directly in the mapstore bundle as async import.

Downstream project should update following configurations:

  • remove all executions related to the cesium library from the pom.xml
    <id>html, configuration files and images</id>
-                    <exclude>**/libs/Cesium/**/*</exclude>
-    <id>CesiumJS-navigation</id>
-    <phase>process-classes</phase>
-    <goals>
-        <goal>copy-resources</goal>
-    </goals>
-    <configuration>
-        <outputDirectory>${basedir}/target/mapstore/libs/cesium-navigation</outputDirectory>
-        <encoding>UTF-8</encoding>
-        <resources>
-            <resource>
-                <directory>${basedir}/../web/client/libs/cesium-navigation</directory>
-            </resource>
-        </resources>
-    </configuration>
  • remove all the external script and css related to cesium and cesium-navigation now included as packages
-<script src=""></script>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
-<script src="libs/cesium-navigation/cesium-navigation.js"></script>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="libs/cesium-navigation/cesium-navigation.css" />
  • This step is needed only for custom project with a specific publicPath different from the default one. In this case you may need to specify what folder deliver the cesium build ( by default dist/cesium). To do that, you can add the cesiumBaseUrl parameter in the webpack dev and prod configs to the correct location of the cesium static assets, widgets and workers folder.

Migration from 2021.02.01 to 2021.02.02

Style parsers dynamic import

The style parser libraries introduced a dynamic import to reduce the initial bundle size. This change reflects to the getStyleParser function provided by the VectorStyleUtils module. If a downstream project of MapStore is using getStyleParser it should update it to this new version:

// example

- // old use of parser
- const parser = getStyleParser('sld');

+ // new use of parser
+ getStyleParser('sld')
+     .then((parser) => {
+         // use parser
+     });

Migration from 2021.02.00 to 2021.02.01

This update contains a fix for a minor vulnerability found in log4j library. For this reason you may need to update the dependencies of your project


This vulnerability is not CVE-2021-44228 but only a couple of smaller ones, that involve Log4J ( CVE-2021-44228 is for Log4J2 ). Anyway MapStore is not prone to these vulnerabilities with the default configuration. For more information, see the dedicated blog post

here the instructions:

Align pom.xml files

Here the changes in pom.xml and web/pom.xml to update:

  • Change mapstore-backend into mapstore-services and set the version to 1.2.2
<!-- MapStore backend -->
-      <artifactId>mapstore-backend</artifactId>
-      <version>1.2.1</version>
+      <artifactId>mapstore-services</artifactId>
+      <version>1.2.2</version>
  • Set geostore-webapp version to 1.7.1
-      <version>1.7.0</version>
+      <version>1.7.1</version>
  • Set http_proxy version to 1.1.1 (should already be there)
    <!-- ... -->
-      <version>1.1.0</version>
+      <version>1.1.1</version>
  • Set print-lib version geosolutions-2.0 to version geosolutions-2.0.1
-        <version>geosolutions-2.0</version>
+        <version>geosolutions-2.0.1</version>

Migration from 2021.01.04 to 2021.02.00

Theme updates and CSS variables

The theme of MapStore has been updated to support CSS variables for some aspects of the style, in particular colors and font families. The web/client/themes/default/variables.less file contains all the available variables described under the @ms-theme-vars ruleset. It is suggested to :

  • update the lesscss variables in the projects because the variables starting with @ms2- will be deprecated soon:

@ms2-color-text -> @ms-main-color @ms2-color-background -> @ms-main-bg @ms2-color-shade-lighter -> @ms-main-border-color

@ms2-color-code -> @ms-code-color

@ms2-color-text-placeholder -> @ms-placeholder-color

@ms2-color-disabled -> @ms-disabled-bg @ms2-color-text-disabled -> @ms-disabled-color

@ms2-color-text-primary -> @ms-primary-contrast

@ms2-color-primary -> @ms-primary @ms2-color-info -> @ms-info @ms2-color-success -> @ms-success @ms2-color-warning -> @ms-warning @ms2-color-danger -> @ms-danger

  • The font family has been update to Noto Sans so all the html need to be updated removing the previous font link with:
<link rel="preconnect" href="">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  • if you are importing react-select or react-widgets inline css/less in your own project, you have to remove the import. Now the stile of these libraries is managed at project level

Project system

During this release MapStore we started an rewrite of the project system, organized in different phases.

The first phase of this migration has been identified by this pull request. In this phase we are supporting the backward compatibility as much as possible, introducing the new project system in parallel with the new one (experimental). In the future the current script will be deprecated in favor of the new one.

Here below the breaking changes introduced in this release to support this new system:

This section will tell you how to migrate to support the following changes:

  • Minor changes to prod-webpack.config.js
  • Move front-end configuration files in configs folder
  • Back-end has been reorganized

Minor changes to prod-webpack.config.js

Minor changes to prod-webpack.config.js:

diff --git a/project/standard/templates/prod-webpack.config.js b/project/standard/templates/prod-webpack.config.js
index 175bf3398..6d97e2c0f 100644
--- a/project/standard/templates/prod-webpack.config.js
+++ b/project/standard/templates/prod-webpack.config.js
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ const path = require("path");

 const themeEntries = require('./MapStore2/build/themes.js').themeEntries;
 const extractThemesPlugin = require('./MapStore2/build/themes.js').extractThemesPlugin;
-const ModuleFederationPlugin = require('./MapStore2/build/moduleFederation').plugin;
 const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
+const ModuleFederationPlugin = require('./MapStore2/build/moduleFederation').plugin;

 const paths = {
     base: __dirname,
@@ -24,17 +24,19 @@ module.exports = require('./MapStore2/build/buildConfig')(
     [extractThemesPlugin, ModuleFederationPlugin],
-    "dist/",
+    undefined,
         new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
             template: path.join(__dirname, 'indexTemplate.html'),
+            publicPath: 'dist/',
             chunks: ['__PROJECTNAME__'],
             inject: "body",
             hash: true
         new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
             template: path.join(__dirname, 'embeddedTemplate.html'),
+            publicPath: 'dist/',
             chunks: ['__PROJECTNAME__-embedded'],
             inject: "body",
             hash: true,
@@ -42,13 +44,15 @@ module.exports = require('./MapStore2/build/buildConfig')(
         new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
             template: path.join(__dirname, 'apiTemplate.html'),
+            publicPath: 'dist/',
             chunks: ['__PROJECTNAME__-api'],
-            inject: 'head',
+            inject: 'body',
             hash: true,
             filename: 'api.html'
         new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
             template: path.join(__dirname, 'geostory-embedded-template.html'),
+            publicPath: 'dist/',
             chunks: ['geostory-embedded'],
             inject: "body",
             hash: true,
@@ -56,6 +60,7 @@ module.exports = require('./MapStore2/build/buildConfig')(
         new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
             template: path.join(__dirname, 'dashboard-embedded-template.html'),
+            publicPath: 'dist/',
             chunks: ['dashboard-embedded'],
             inject: 'body',
             hash: true,
@@ -63,6 +68,7 @@ module.exports = require('./MapStore2/build/buildConfig')(
+        "@mapstore/patcher": path.resolve(__dirname, "node_modules", "@mapstore", "patcher"),
         "@mapstore": path.resolve(__dirname, "MapStore2", "web", "client"),
         "@js": path.resolve(__dirname, "js")

Move front-end configuration files in configs folder

We suggest you to move them as well from root to configs folder, and align your app.jsx configuration with the new standard (if you changed the location of configs). This will allow to use the data dir in an easy way. So:

  • Move the following files in configs directory:
  • localConfig.json
  • new.json
  • pluginsConfig.json
  • config.json
  • simple.json
  • If changed something in app.jsx about configuration, align to get the files moved in config.
  • To allow MapStore to copy the correct file in the final war, you have to change web/pom.xml execution copy-resources for id config files this way (this only if you didn't customized localConfig.json):
-                        <outputDirectory>${basedir}/target/__PROJECTNAME__/MapStore2/web/client</outputDirectory>
+                        <outputDirectory>${basedir}/target/__PROJECTNAME__/MapStore2/web/client/configs</outputDirectory>
-                                <directory>${basedir}/../MapStore2/web/client</directory>
+                                <directory>${basedir}/../MapStore2/web/client/configs</directory>

Back-end has been reorganized

In particular:

  • all the java code has been moved from web/src/ to the java/ and product/ directories (and release, already existing).
  • mapstore-backend has been renamed into mapstore-services.
  • Some servlets have been added in order to provide native support to data dir and make it work with the new configs directory.

So you will have to:

  • Align the pom.xml to the latest versions of the libs
  • Edit the web.xml and change the *-servlet.xml files to expose the new services


Future evolution of the project will avoid you to keep your own copies of the pom files as much as possible, reducing the boilerplate and making migration a lot easier. For this reasons these migration guidelines will change soon.

Here below the details of the changes.

Align pom.xml files to latest versions of the libs

Here the changes in pom.xml and `web/pom.xml to update:

  • Change mapstore-backend into mapstore-services and set the version to 1.2.1
<!-- MapStore backend -->
-      <artifactId>mapstore-backend</artifactId>
-      <version>1.1.2</version>
+      <artifactId>mapstore-services</artifactId>
+      <version>1.2.1</version>
  • Set geostore-webapp version to 1.7.0
-      <version>1.6.0</version>
+      <version>1.7.0</version>
  • Set http_proxy version to 1.1.0 (should already be there)
    <!-- ... -->
-      <version>1.1.0</version>
+      <version>1.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
Edit the web.xml and change the *-servlet.xml files to expose the new services
  • Copy from mapstore to folder web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/ the files:
  • configs-servlet.xml
  • extensions-servlet.xml
  • loadAssets-servlet.xml
  • Remove the old dispatcher-servlet.xml (it has been replaced by loadAssets-servlet.xml for backward compatibility)
  • Align web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml with the new servlets as changes below (remove dispatcher entry in favour of the following).
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <web-app id="WebApp_ID" version="2.4"
-    xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
+    xmlns:javaee="" xmlns:xsi=""

     <!-- pick up all spring application contexts -->
@@ -19,13 +19,16 @@

-      <param-value>/</param-value>
+      <param-value>/,${datadir.location}/</param-value>

-    <!-- spring context loader -->
-    <listener>
+    <!-- <context-param> <param-name>log4jConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value>file:${config.dir}/log4j.xml</param-value>
+        </context-param> -->
+    <!-- spring context loader -->
+    <listener>
-    </listener>
+    </listener>

       - Loads the root application context of this web app at startup.
@@ -33,8 +36,8 @@
       - WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(servletContext).
-        <listener-class>org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener</listener-class>
-    </listener>
+        <listener-class>org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener</listener-class>
+    </listener>

     <!-- Spring Security Servlet -->
@@ -46,7 +49,7 @@

-  <!-- GZip compression -->
+    <!-- GZip compression -->
@@ -65,17 +68,38 @@

     <!--  Backend Spring MVC controllers -->
+    <!--  Backward compatibility -->
-        <servlet-name>dispatcher</servlet-name>
+        <servlet-name>loadAssets</servlet-name>
-        <servlet-name>dispatcher</servlet-name>
+        <servlet-name>loadAssets</servlet-name>
+    <!--  Configs -->
+    <servlet>
+        <servlet-name>configs</servlet-name>
+        <servlet-class>org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet</servlet-class>
+        <load-on-startup>2</load-on-startup>
+    </servlet>
+    <servlet-mapping>
+        <servlet-name>configs</servlet-name>
+        <url-pattern>/configs/*</url-pattern>
+    </servlet-mapping>
+    <!-- Extensions -->
+    <servlet>
+        <servlet-name>extensions</servlet-name>
+        <servlet-class>org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet</servlet-class>
+        <load-on-startup>3</load-on-startup>
+    </servlet>
+    <servlet-mapping>
+        <servlet-name>extensions</servlet-name>
+        <url-pattern>/extensions/*</url-pattern>
+    </servlet-mapping>

-    <!-- CXF Servlet -->
+    <!-- CXF Servlet -->
@@ -97,7 +121,7 @@

-   <!-- Printing Servlet -->
+    <!-- Printing Servlet -->

Data directory has been reorganized and is now available also for product

The new organization of the data directory is:

  • configs will contain all json files (localConfig.json, new.json, pluginsConfig.json, ...) and all the .patch files applied to them.
  • extensions folder contains all the data for the extensions, including extensions.json
  • The root contains the properties files to configure database, proxy and other configs

To organize your old data directory accordingly to the new specification.

  • Move all .json and .json.patch files in configs folder (except extensions.json)
  • Move the directory dist/extensions to simply extensions.
  • The file extensions.json have to be moved in extensions/extensions.json.
  • Edit the file extensions/extensions.json changing the paths from dist/extensions/<Plugin-Name>/... to <Plugin-Name>/...

You can set it up by configuring datadir.location java system property. Changes to paths or configuration files are not required anymore.


  • Embedded now uses popup as default. Align localConfig.json plugins --> embedded --> Identify with the latest one:
    "name": "Identify",
    "cfg": {
        "viewerOptions": {
            "container": "{context.ReactSwipe}"

Migration from 2021.01.01 to 2021.01.03

Generally speaking this is not properly a breaking change, but more a fix to apply to your installations. Certificate for '' has expired at 2021.05.05, so to continue using CesiumJS with MapStore you will have to replace all the URLs like in This is the main fix of this minor release. See this pull request on GitHub as a sample to apply these changes to your project.

Migration from 2021.01.00 to 2021.01.01

Update embedded entry to load the correct configuration

Existing MapStore project could have an issue with the loading of map embedded page due to the impossibility to change some configuration such as localConfig.json or translations path in the javascript entry. This issue can be solved following these steps: 1 - add a custom entry named embedded.jsx in the js/ directory of the project with the content:

import {
} from '@mapstore/utils/ConfigUtils';

// Add custom (overriding) translations
// example for additional translations in the project folder
// setConfigProp('translationsPath', ['./MapStore2/web/client/translations', './translations']);
setConfigProp('translationsPath', './MapStore2/web/client/translations');
// __PROJECTNAME__ is the name of the project used in the creation process
setConfigProp('themePrefix', '__PROJECTNAME__');

// Use a custom plugins configuration file
// example if localConfig.json is located in the root of the project
// setLocalConfigurationFile('localConfig.json');

// async load of the standard embedded bundle

2 - update the path of the embedded entry inside the webpack.config.js and prod-webpack.config.js files with:

// __PROJECTNAME__ is the name of the project used in the creation process
'__PROJECTNAME__-embedded': path.join(__dirname, "js", "embedded"),

Locate plugin configuration

Configuration for Locate plugin has changed and it is not needed anymore inside the Map plugin

  • old localConfig.json configuration needed 'locate' listed as tool inside the Map plugin and as a separated Locate plugin
// ...
    "name": "Map",
    "cfg": {
        "tools": ["locate"],
        // ...
    "name": "Locate",
    // ...
// ...
  • new localConfig.json configuration removes 'locate' from tools array and it keeps only the plugin configuration
// ...
    "name": "Map",
    "cfg": {
        // ...
    "name": "Locate",
    // ...
// ...

Update an existing project to include embedded Dashboards and GeoStories

Embedded Dashboards and GeoStories need a new set of javascript entries, html templates and configuration files to make them completely available in an existing project.

The steps described above assume this structure of the MapStore2 project for the files that need update:

|-- ...
|-- js/
|    |-- ...
|    |-- dashboardEmbedded.jsx (new)
|    |-- geostoryEmbedded.jsx (new)
|-- MapStore2/
|-- web/
|    |-- ...
|    |-- pom.xml
|-- ...
|-- dashboard-embedded-template.html (new)
|-- dashboard-embedded.html (new)
|-- ...
|-- geostory-embedded-template.html (new)
|-- geostory-embedded.html (new)
|-- ...
|-- prod-webpack.config.js
|-- ...
|-- webpack.config.js

1) create the entries files for the embedded application named dashboardEmbedded.jsx and geostoryEmbedded.jsx in the js/ folder with the following content (see links): - dashboardEmbedded.jsx - geostoryEmbedded.jsx

2) add the html files and templates in the root directory of the project with these names and content (see links): - dashboard-embedded-template.html - dashboard-embedded.html - geostory-embedded-template.html - geostory-embedded.html

3) update webpack configuration for development and production with the new entries and the related configuration:

- webpack.config.js

module.exports = require('./MapStore2/build/buildConfig')(
        // other entries...,
        // add new embedded entries to entry object
        "geostory-embedded": path.join(__dirname, "js", "geostoryEmbedded"),
        "dashboard-embedded": path.join(__dirname, "js", "dashboardEmbedded")
    // ...

- prod-webpack.config.js


module.exports = require('./MapStore2/build/buildConfig')(
        // other entries...,
        // add new embedded entries to entry object
        "geostory-embedded": path.join(__dirname, "js", "geostoryEmbedded"),
        "dashboard-embedded": path.join(__dirname, "js", "dashboardEmbedded")
    // ...
        // new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ ... }),
        // add plugin to copy all the embedded html and inject the correct bundle
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
            template: path.join(__dirname, 'geostory-embedded-template.html'),
            chunks: ['geostory-embedded'],
            inject: "body",
            hash: true,
            filename: 'geostory-embedded.html'
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
            template: path.join(__dirname, 'dashboard-embedded-template.html'),
            chunks: ['dashboard-embedded'],
            inject: 'body',
            hash: true,
            filename: 'dashboard-embedded.html'
    // ...

4) Add configuration to localConfig.json in the plugins section related to Share functionalities (Only with custom localConfig.json in the project): - Dashboard share configuration

"dashboard": [
    // ...
        "name": "Share",
        "cfg": {
            "showAPI": false,
            "advancedSettings": false,
            "shareUrlRegex": "(h[^#]*)#\\/dashboard\\/([A-Za-z0-9]*)",
            "shareUrlReplaceString": "$1dashboard-embedded.html#/$2",
            "embedOptions": {
                "showTOCToggle": false,
                "showConnectionsParamToggle": true
    // ...

- Dashboard share configuration

"geostory": [
    // ...
        "name": "Share",
        "cfg": {
            "embedPanel": true,
            "showAPI": false,
            "advancedSettings": {
                "hideInTab": "embed",
                "homeButton": true,
                "sectionId": true
            "shareUrlRegex": "(h[^#]*)#\\/geostory\\/([^\\/]*)\\/([A-Za-z0-9]*)",
            "shareUrlReplaceString": "$1geostory-embedded.html#/$3",
            "embedOptions": {
                "showTOCToggle": false
    // ...

5) update the web/pom.xml to copy all the related resources in the final *.war file with these new executions

<!-- __PROJECTNAME__ should be equal to the one in use in the project, see other executions how they define the outputDirectory path  -->
    <id>only dashboard-embedded.html</id>
    <id>only geostory-embedded.html</id>

Migration from 2020.02.00 to 2021.01.00

Update to webpack 5 - Module federation

MapStore migrated to webpack 5 and provided the extension system using "Webpack Module Federation". Here the steps to update the existing files in your project.


  • dev server scripts changed syntax. now you need to use webpack serve instead of webpack-dev-server. Replace also all --colors with --color in your scripts that use webpack / webpack-dev-server.
  • Align dependencies and devDependencies with MapStore's one, reading the package.json, as usual.
  • To support extensions in your project, you need to add ModuleFederationPlugin to your prod-webpack.config.js and webpack.config.js
const ModuleFederationPlugin = require('./MapStore/build/moduleFederation').plugin; // <-- new line
module.exports = require('./buildConfig')(
        "mapstore2": path.join(paths.code, "product", "app"),
        "embedded": path.join(paths.code, "product", "embedded"),
        "ms2-api": path.join(paths.code, "product", "api")
    [extractThemesPlugin, ModuleFederationPlugin], // <-- this parameter has been changed, now it accepts also array of the plugins you want to add bot in prod and dev

Other the other changes required are applied automatically in buildConfig.js.

Eslint config

Now eslint configuration is shared in a separate npm module. To update your custom project you have to remove the following files:

  • .eslintignore
  • .eslintconfig

And add to package.json the following entry, in the root:

        "eslintConfig": {
            "extends": [
            "parserOptions": {
                "babelOptions": {
                    "configFile": "./MapStore2/build/babel.config.js"

If you have aproject that includes MapStore as a dependency, you can run npm run updateDevDeps to finalize the update. Otherwise make you sure to include:

  • devDependencies:
  • add "@mapstore/eslint-config-mapstore": "1.0.1",
  • delete babel-eslint
  • dependencies:
  • update `"eslint": "7.8.1"

App structure review

From this version some base components of MapStore App (StandardApp, StandardStore...) has been restructured and better organized. Here a list of the breaking change you can find in a depending project

  • web/client/product/main.jsx has been updated to new import and export syntax (removed require and exports.module). So if you are importing it (usually in your app.jsx) you have to use the import syntax or use require(...).default in your project. The same for the other files.
  • New structure of arguments in web/client/stores/StandardStore.js
const appStore = (
        initialState = {
            defaultState: {},
            mobile: {}
        appReducers = {},
        appEpics = {},
        rootReducerFunc = ({ state, action, allReducers }) => allReducers(state, action)
    plugins = {},
    storeOpts = {}
) {
  • Moved standard epics, standard reducers and standard rootReducer function from web/client/stores/StandardStore.js to a separated file web/client/stores/defaultOptions.js

  • loading extensions functionalities inside StandardApp has been moved to an specific withExtensions HOC, so if you are not using main.js but directly StandardApp and you need extensions you need to add this HOC to your StandardApp

Migration from 2020.01.00 to 2020.02.00

New authentication rule for internal services

With this new version the support for uploading extensions has been introduced. A new entry point needs administration authorization to allow the upload of new plugins by the administrator. So:

  • In localConfig.json add the following entry in the authenticationRules array:
    "urlPattern": ".*rest/config.*",
    "method": "bearer"

the final entry should look like this

 "authenticationRules": [{
        "urlPattern": ".*geostore.*",
        "method": "bearer"
      }, {
        "urlPattern": ".*rest/config.*",
        "method": "bearer"
      }, ...],

Translation files

  • The translations file extension has been changed into JSON. Now translation files has been renamed from data.<locale> to data.<locale>.json. This change makes the .json extension mandatory for all translation files. This means that depending projects with custom translation files should be renabled in the same name. E.g. have to be renamed as

Database Update

Database schema has changed. To update your database you need to apply this SQL scripts to your database

  • Update the user schema run the script available here:
-- Update the geostore database from 1.4.2 model to 1.5.0
-- It adds fields to gs_security for external authorization

-- The script assumes that the tables are located into the schema called "geostore"
--      if you put geostore in a different schema, please edit the following search_path.
SET search_path TO geostore, public;

-- Tested only with postgres9.1

-- Run the script with an unprivileged application user allowed to work on schema geostore

alter table gs_security add column username varchar(255);
alter table gs_security add column groupname varchar(255);

create index idx_security_username on gs_security (username);

create index idx_security_groupname on gs_security (groupname);
  • Add new categories
-- New CONTEXT category
INSERT into geostore.gs_category (id ,name) values ( nextval('geostore.hibernate_sequence'),  'CONTEXT') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
-- New GEOSTORY category (introduced in 2020.01.00)
INSERT into geostore.gs_category (id ,name) values (nextval('geostore.hibernate_sequence'),  'GEOSTORY') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
-- New TEMPLATE category
INSERT into geostore.gs_category (id ,name) values ( nextval('geostore.hibernate_sequence'),  'TEMPLATE') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
-- New USERSESSION category
INSERT into geostore.gs_category (id ,name) values ( nextval('geostore.hibernate_sequence'),  'USERSESSION') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;

Backend update

For more details see this commit

new files have been added:

  • web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/dispatcher-servlet.xml
  • web/src/main/resources/

some files has been changed:

  • web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
  • pom.xml
  • web/pom.xml

Migration from 2019.02.01 to 2020.01.00

With MapStore 2020.01.00 some dependencies that were previously hosted on github, have now been published on the npm registry, and package.json has been updated accordingly. Here is the PR that documents how to update local package.json and local webpack if not using the mapstore buildConfig/testConfig common files.

After updating package.json run npm install Now you should be able to run locally with npm start

For more info see the related issue

Moreover a new category has been added for future features, called GEOSTORY.

It is not necessary for this release, but, to follow the update sequence, you can add it by executing the following line.

INSERT into geostore.gs_category (id ,name) values (nextval('geostore.hibernate_sequence'),  'GEOSTORY') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;

Migration from 2019.01.00 to 2019.01.01

MapStore 2019.01.01 changes the location of some of the build and test configuration files. This also affects projects using MapStore build files, sp if you update MapStore subproject to the 2019.01.01 version you also have to update some of the project configuration files. In particular:

  • webpack.config.js and prod-webpack.config.js:
  • update path to themes.js from ./MapStore2/themes.js to ./MapStore2/build/themes.js
  • update path to buildConfig from ./MapStore2/buildConfig to ./MapStore2/build/buildConfig
  • karma.conf.continuous-test.js and karma.config.single-run.js: update path to testConfig from ./MapStore2/testConfig to ./MapStore2/build/testConfig

Migration from 2017.05.00 to 2018.01.00

MapStore 2018.01.00 introduced theme and js and css versioning. This allows to auto-invalidates cache files for each version of your software. For custom projects you could choose to ignore this changes by setting version: "no-version" in your app.jsx StandardRouter selector:

const routerSelector = createSelector(state => state.locale, (locale) => ({
    locale: locale || {},
    version: "no-version",
    themeCfg: {
        theme: "mythheme"
const StandardRouter = connect(routerSelector)(require('../MapStore2/web/client/components/app/StandardRouter'));

Support js/theme versioning in your project

Take a look to this pull request as reference. Basically versioning is implemented in 2 different ways for css and js files :

  • Add at build time the js files inclusion to the files, with proper hashes.
  • Load theme css files appending to the URL the ?{version} where version is the current mapstore2 version The different kind of loading for css files is needed to continue supporting the theme switching capabilities. For the future we would like to unify these 2 systems. See this issue.

You have to:

  • Add the version file to the root (version.txt).
  • Create a template for each html file you have. These files will replace the html files when you build the final war file. These files are like the original ones but without the [bundle].js file inclusion and without theme css.
  • Add HtmlWebpackPlugin for production only, one for each js file. This plugin will add to the template file the script inclusion (example).
  • if you have to include the script in the head (e.g. api.html has some script that need the js to be loaded before executing the inline scripts), use the option inject: 'head'
  • change each entry point (app.jsx, api.jsx, embedded.jsx, yourcoustomentrypoint.jsx) this way (example):
  • version reducer in StandardRouter
  • loadVersion action in initialActions
  • version and loadAfterTheme selectors to StandardRouter state.
// Example
const {versionSelector} = require('../MapStore2/web/client/selectors/version');
const {loadVersion} = require('../MapStore2/web/client/actions/version');
const version = require('../MapStore2/web/client/actions/version');
StandardRouter = connect ( state => ({
    locale: state.locale || {},
        version : versionSelector(state),
        loadAfterTheme: loadAfterThemeSelector(state)
const appStore = require('../MapStore2/web/client/stores/StandardStore').bind(null, initialState, {
    // ...
    version: version
// ...
const appConfig = {
    // ...
    initialActions: [loadVersion]
  • Add to your pom.xml some execution steps to replace html files with the ones generated in 'dist' directory. (example). And copy version.txt
  • Override the version file in your build process (e.g. you can use the commit hash)

Migration from 2017.05.00 to 2017.03.00 and previews

In 2017.03.00 the createProject.js script created only a custom project. From version 2017.04.00 we changed the script to generate 2 kind of projects:

  • custom: the previous version
  • standard: mapstore standard

Standard project wants to help to generate a project that is basically the MapStore product, where you can add your own plugins and customize your theme (before this you had to create a project similar to MapStore on your own) Depending on our usage of custom project, this may introduce some breaking changes. If you previously included some file from product folder, now app.jsx has been changed to call main.jsx. Please take a look on how the main product uses this to migrate your changes inside your custom project.

Migration from 2017.01.00 to 2017.02.00

The version 2017.02.00 has many improvements and changes:

We suggest you to:

  • align your package.json with the latest version of 2017.02.00.
  • update your webpack files (see below).
  • update your tests to react 15 version. see upgrade guide
  • Update your react-bootstrap custom components with the new one (see below).

Side Effect Management - Introduced redux-observable

To manage complex asynchronous operations the thunk middleware is not enough. When we started with MapStore there was no alternative to thunk. Now we have some options. After a spike (results available here) we chose to use redux-observable. For the future, we strongly recommend to use this library to perform asynchronous tasks.

Introducing this library will allow to :

  • remove business logic from the components event handlers
  • now all new actionCreators should return pure actions. All async stuff will be deferred to the epics.
  • avoid bouncing between components and state to trigger side effect
  • speed up development with rxjs functionalities
  • Existing thunk integration will be maintained since all the thunks will be replaced.

If you are using the Plugin system and the StandardStore, you may have only to include the missing new dependencies in your package.json (redux-observable and an updated version of redux).

Check the current package.json to get he most recent versions. For testing we included also redux-mockup-store as a dependency, but you are free to test your epics as you want.

For more complex integrations check this pull request to see how to integrate redux-observable or follow the guide on the redux-observable site.

Webpack update to version 2

We updated webpack (old one is deprecated), check this pull request to find out how to update your webpack files. here a list of what we had to update:

  • module.loaders are now module.rules
  • update your package.json with latest versions of webpack, webpack plugins and karma libs and integrations (Take a look to the changes on package.json in the pull request if you want a detailed list of what to update in this case).
  • change your test proxy configuration with the new one.

More details on the webpack site.

react-intl update to 2.x

See this pull request for the details. You should only have to update your package.json

react update to 15.4.2

Check this pull request to see how to:

  • update your package.json
  • update your tests

React Bootstrap update

The version we are using is not documented anymore, and not too much compatible with react 15 (too many warnings). So this update can not be postponed anymore. The bigger change in this case is that the Input component do not exists anymore. You will have to replace all your Input with the proper components, and update the package.json. See this pull request for details.